1977 The 1st International Forum
Lifelong Integrated Education
-As a Global-Minded Person, As a Human Being- |
Venue |
Tokyo |
Features |
Countries |
--- |
Foreigners living in Japan from Embassies, universities and mass media as well as representative of National Commission for UNESCO. |
Participants |
30 |
1978 The 2nd International Forum
Lifelong Integrated Education
-Seeking an Order of Human Coexistence- |
Venue |
Paris |
Features |
Countries |
12 |
Concerned people with cultural and educational issues participated. Soliciting
the objectives of the Forum, we visited and discussed with educators, scholars,
social activists and many institutes in Belgium, France, Germany and other
European countries and UNESCO. |
Participants |
96 |
1982 The 3rd International Forum
Lifelong Integrated Education
-Universe, Earth, Human Beings These Splendid
For Their Dignity and Survival |
Venue |
Cologne |
Features |
Countries |
14 |
For the first time participants from East European countries as well as
from West European countries, the USA, Canada, India and Pakistan. A youth
from Chile joined. |
Participants |
109 |
1986 The 4th International Forum
Lifelong Integrated Education
-Human Restoration toward the Century
Life- |
Venue |
Paris |
Features |
Countries |
20 |
Participants from communist countries: the Soviet Union and Hungary and African countries as well as West and East European countries. Developing and developed countries and the East and the West met together. |
Participants |
148 |
1990 The 5th International Forum
Lifelong Integrated Education
-The Most Urgent Task for the Space Age- |
Venue |
Paris |
Features |
Countries |
29 |
Participants covered all the regions of the world.
Participants |
171 |
1994 The 6th International Forum
Lifelong Integrated Education
-In Search of New Order in the Space Age-
For the Children in the Future |
Venue |
Paris |
Features |
Countries |
26 |
Participants from the levels of the UN, governments and NGOs and individuals
like UNESCO, OECD, Permanent Delegations to UNESCO, Embassies to France,
Ministries of Education and universities. |
Participants |
158 |
1998 The 7th International Forum on Lifelong Integrated Education
Commemorating the 30th National Conference
The Earth is One |
Venue |
Tokyo |
Features |
Countries |
29 |
Participants covered all the functions of society and all the strata of age from infants to the seniors in Japan. Over 50 overseas participants joined from UNESCO, OECD, governmental organizations, universities, institutes and NGOs from every continent. |
Participants |
About 3000 |
2002 The 8th International Forum
Lifelong Integrated Education as a Creator of the Future
-Wisdom for the Survival of Humankind- |
Venue |
Paris |
Features |
Countries |
40 |
Participants from the levels of the UN, governments and NGOs and individuals
like UNESCO, OECD, Permanent Delegations to UNESCO, Embassies to France,
Ministries of Education and universities. |
Participants |
170 |
2006 The 9th International Forum
Lifelong Integrated Education
Enlightenment on the Order of Coexistence
- Wisdom for Creating Our Future - |
Venue |
Paris |
Features |
Countries |
35 |
Summary Report |
Participants |
179 |
2010 The 10th commemorative International Forum
Lifelong Integrated Education as a Creator of the Future
- Human Restoration of the 21st Century - |
Venue |
Paris |
Features |
Countries |
39 |
Summary Report |
Participants |
170 (1st day)
457 (Total) |
2014 The 11th International Forum on Lifelong Integrated Education 2014
Lifelong Integrated Education
The Space Age-Awakening to the Unchangeable Values
Our Responsibility to the Future |
Venue |
Tokyo |
Features |
Countries |
18 |
Summary Report |
Participants |
1295 (1st day)
294 (2-5 day total) |
2018 The 12th International Forum
Lifelong Integrated Education
Common Rules for Survival in the Space Age
Education to Teach Us to Live with Nature as well as to Master Science
and Technology |
Venue |
Tokyo |
Features |
Countries |
17 |
Summary Report |
Participants |
1130 (1st day)
343 (2-5 day total) |
1999 International Youth Forum on Lifelong Integrated Education
Think Together - The Future for Us, Humanity
and the Earth |
Venue |
Tokyo |
Features |
Countries |
30 |
Senior and university students and the youth from all over Japan. Overseas
participants were nominated by some colleagues of our international network
of Nomura Center. |
Participants |
About 800 |