At the Academic Lecture Meeting commemorating the establishment of Korean
Association for Lifelong Integrated Education, 1981 |

Attended the 13th International Conference of IRTAC, Calgary, Canada, 1988 |

At the International Seminar on Youth, Peace and Development at Andhra
University in India, 1989 |

Invited by the Chinese Education Association for International Exchanges,
Tianjin Branch, 1991 |

At the College for Girls, Ain Shams University in Egypt as a visiting Professor,
1993 |

At the 5th International Dialogue on a Transition to a Planetary Consciousness
in Budapest, Hungary, 1996 |

Invited by OECD to the 5th UNESCO International Conference on Adult Education in Hamburg, Germany, 1997 |

As part of the 150th anniversary of exchanges between Japan and Germany,
Mrs. Kaneko presented her lecture on the theme "Lifelong Integrated
Education - Education that Links Continuity of Life" at the hall of
the Japanese Embassy in Berlin, Germany, 2011 |