The 10th Commemorative
International Forum on Lifelong Integrated Education |
Lifelong Integrated Education as a Creator of the Future
- Human Restoration of the 21st Century -
We are organizing the 10th quadrennial International Forum on Lifelong
Integrated Education that began in the latter half of the 1970s.
The activities initiated by our founder Mrs. Yoshiko Nomura, a homemaker
who lived in the 20th century, continue in the 21st century with the baton
passed on to the next generation. Realizing the profound bearing it has
on our contemporary times, I am struck again with awe and gratitude.
Why is it that today at a time of drastic and cataclysmic changes, the
values upheld by our founder for fifty years are now gradually attracting
attention with the urgency of their appeal?
All of us living in the 21st century have an inescapable duty to create
the future notwithstanding the collapse of human values we endure at the
micro level and the destruction of the global environment we face at the
macro level.
How precious it is to have a place where we can come together from different
backgrounds and cultures and to be able to communicate candidly, especially
today when we humans seem to have lost having close relationships, in part
because of the benefits brought about by the development of scientific
We invite you to join us at the commemorative 10th Forum to address together
this epic theme that spans the world and all walks of life across the generations.
October 2010, Tokyo

Yumiko Kaneko
Director General
Nomura Center for Lifelong Integrated Education |